Off The Leash with Jeremy Webb - Live Show

There is no doubt that these are unusual times. Unusual times inspire unusual activities! Neptune Theatre’s artistic director Jeremy Webb goes live Tuesday to Friday evenings with special guests and talks to them about their experiences at Neptune, their careers, their memories of Neptune and the future. The chat will be light, fun and probably irreverent!

Each week Webb will present a different lineup of guests that are willing to emerge digitally from isolation for a short visit over the Internet. No touching required.
Tune in and take part: you can send your questions in real time!   

Proud supporter



Thursday, August 20

Episode #48


Friday, August 21

Episode #49


Thursday, August 27

Episode #50

Season  Finale




Missed an episode?

Learn more about past episodes by clicking here.  Or binge-watch them all now on YouTube!  


To read their bio, hover over their headshot.

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Neptune Theatre is located on sacred land that has been the site of human activity since time immemorial.
We are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq, and we acknowledge them as the past, present, and future caretakers of this land.