Ticket Requests

Who is eligible for donations?

Neptune Theatre donates tickets to organizations in the following preferential order:

  • Arts and culture organizations
  • Registered charitable organizations
  • Educational organizations (i.e. schools that attend Neptune Theatre student matinee performances or book the Young Company Tour), universities and colleges
  • Healthcare institutions (mainly hospitals or hospital foundations)
  • Other organizations 

Guidelines for Submitting a Donation Request

Requests for ticket donations must be made by completing the form below . Phone calls and in-person requests will not be considered. A written request should be submitted to the Box Office Assistant Manager for review a minimum of four weeks before the event in order to be considered.

Using the information provided in the form, Neptune Theatre determines matches for its donation program. Donations in the form of complimentary ticket vouchers will be issued to organizations that are eligible. These vouchers are not tickets, and the receiver must contact the Box Office to book actual tickets. 

Please note: A limited number of tickets are made available each season for donation purposes. Donations in the form of complimentary tickets will be issued to an organization once per season. No assumption of recurring donations may be made. We appreciate your understanding.




Neptune Theatre is located on sacred land that has been the site of human activity since time immemorial.
We are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq, and we acknowledge them as the past, present, and future caretakers of this land.